Guest Blog
Hello! I am Megans older, wiser, funnier, more creative, anythingshecandoicandobetterexceptmakingbread sister Erin. You may hear me referred to in the blog as Auntie Owl-batross (the self elected leader of the 1st Matriarch Brownie Pirates). I am coming to you live from my messy home office in sleepy small town Tillsonburg (Ontario Canada).
Why am I guest blogging some of you might ask. No I am not joining the crew. This is my "walk the plank" punishment for scolding Megan and Greg for getting daily blog posts up! I guess it's better than scrubbing the poop deck.
So the Harris Crew came home for shore leave. It was great to see them all again, but it didn't feel like I had really missed them. Now before you get all judgemental and call me a bad sister/auntie/human, understand that I am FaceTiming with the crew weekly for our Pirate Brownie meetings. Seeing them IRL was awesome, and not just because Grace does give the best back rubs and Aden hugged me a million times and Liam was a huge help in prepping for a little family party. Our Brownie meeting at my house was super fun (translate exhausting). I had planned 5 craft activities for us to do, we accomplished
I was able to snag the use of 3 able bodied, happy to help, kids and get them to do some chores for me! They planted bulbs in my gardens and around a big tree I can see from my bedroom. Of course, I'm trying to be more "in the moment" and less on devices so I failed to get photos of them hard at work. Instead you have the pleasure of looking at my crudely edited photo showing the freshly turned soil from their labours.
Black arrows in the shade pointing to where I will see tulips next spring.
I also took advantage of the many hands, and had the girls help pick up the 60 cases of Girl Guide cookies my unit needs to sell. Who knew that Pathfinder could hold so much! Sidenote if you want some girl guide cookies I can hook you up....5$ a box!
Sooo many cookies….$5 a box!
And of course we had a big family BBQ on the weekend and I could not have gotten it all ready in time without Liams awesome help. Man that boy can cut veggies like a pro! We had a great get together, even if the next morning was a little.......painful!
Kids enjoying some sparklers.
Mumzie and Daddio.
Grampie and Natalee spending some quality time around the Smokeless Campfire!
Matthew and Greg reminiscing about the time in Disney World they held hands and looked like a couple!
Could have been the Beer, Wine or Bourbon.......I'm not sure. But Sunday morning was rough!
My brother Kyle and his wife Kristen (the better looking of the two), and their adorable kids Evan and Alison were also feasting with us, but again, I was trying to live more in the moment and I totally failed the photo ops.
And yes, in Megans post (Canada day 9), I did manage to snag her away and go for a nice long walk. I did text her many times to wake her up! I find constant annoyance is the key to getting what I want!
I guess in retrospect the Harris Crew was kept pretty busy on their Shore Leave, so their absence of blogs is understandable. I will miss those salty sea dogs and the crazy chaos they bring to the table, but look forward to our weekly Facetimes and reading about their adventure in the blog. They are driving back to the Matriarch as I type this and I wish them the safest of journeys.