Oh Canada! Day 2
It’s been nice to spend time visiting friends in Milton, but now it is time to do some jobs and then go Tillsonburg to visit family. YAY!
My appliance. The first few days wearing it hurt, but now it feels fine.
Doctor and Dentist
The first thing we did yesterday was go to the doctor so Mom and Dad could get shots. Dr. Chung is very nice and can be gentle (sometimes!) and Jean is very friendly and kind. I also need a shot because I’m in grade 7, but I was really hoping I wouldn’t have to because I hate getting needles. Luckily, I did not get one because they did not have it in stock.
Next on the list was Mom’s driver’s license renewal. I have no clue how it went but she came out with a new license so I guess it was fine.
Then off to see good ole’ Doctor Rick. He is our appliance dentist and he helped mom with her chronic headaches and facial nerve pain. We kids all have appliances as well to prevent the same thing from happening to us. He checked our appliances and mom got imprints for new ones. Only Dad does not need any (curse you dad 😡).
Lunch and Airport
For lunch we went out to a place called Make in Milton and had BACON, AVOCODO, and TOMATO sandwiches. After lunch we had to drive mom to the airport so she could fly to Ottawa for a few days of work. I really miss mom already.
Mmmm bacon, avocado, and tomato!
Hanging out with the owner’s kids at Make in Milton.
On the way to the airport Grace had a little nap.
Dinner and Tillsonburg
Then just like that it was dinner time! We went to a place in Kitchener with Grandma, Grandad, Uncle Andrew, and Aunt Heidi. I had half of the legendary nachos, they were so good. Then we went to my uncle and aunt’s house to pick up our ps4 they were keeping for us. We also got to play with Mini and Garvin while we were there, my uncle and aunt’s cats. We cat-sitted them for a year when Uncle Andrew and Aunt Heidi were travelling the world. Mini loved to pee on the carpets and Garvin always slept next to Aden.
Dinner time!
Aden catching up with her buddy Garvin! Snuggles all around.
Bed Time (Phew)
Next we drove to Tillsonburg and I had pie for dessert and then went to bed. Grandma took a few minutes to sew up a hole in Grace’s puppy. For the past couple weeks Puppy has been wearing a bandaid to keep the hole shut until we could get to Grandma’s house for treatment. We were so tired from the day we collapsed into bed.
Grace and newly repaired puppy fast asleep at 830pm.