I'm talking about school and friends
** Grace’s words, transcribed by Mom **
School is getting more harder and we are doing less easy things. We are getting to the end of Health. Like we just have to do one more station. We learned the rest of the safety words so now we have to learn about people and animal cycles. We are doing more art time now.
I am in Grade 1. My teacher is Ms L Reid. She is nice, kind and she helps us when we make mistakes. I like school because I like most of the periods. I like gym, and I like drama and dance, and I like French, I like lunch, and I like science. The one that I like the most is drama and dance. It’s fun and we get to learn different dances. Can I show you one?
** We pause and she dances **
I like school because it’s interesting.
I think on the boat we are still going to do math and science. I think I am also going to learn about boat. Like how to fix is the mast if it’s broken.
Shannon is one of my friends. She is nice. Suniya, Molly and Melody are nice too. They will probably follow us online and I will send them an email that we are going to be online and they should go on harriscrew.ca. I am probably going to make new friends when I am away. On land and on water. Mostly on water. We will probably see a boat we recognize and we might go to that boat and make new friends. I make new friends really easily. All you have to do is just say “what’s your name” and we will probably start talking. That’s what I did with one of the other people on the other other side of the court. She came over and we started talking and now she is my new BFF. That means friends forever, and we will never grow apart.
Now I have to go pee…don’t write that down!
** Sorry kid **
This is me on Crazy Hair Day a few weeks ago at school.